Paper Title
DSP Based Converter–Inverter Control Strategy For Single Phase Wind Power Generation System
Digital control techniques for Boost Converter and PWM Inverter which have potential application for power
transmission system. The study is done in the field of inverter topologies, which is used to interface a wind energy module to
the power grid/load. The boost converter and inverter are developed with focus on low cost, high reliability and mass-
production. The switching strategy to control the Boost Converter and Inverter to which the load may be grid supply system
or domestic lighting is developed. The control strategy for the Inverter should be such that, the required voltage amplitude
and frequency (50 Hz) has to be supplied by the system. The switching strategy aims at reducing Electromagnetic
Interference (EMI) problems, elimination of harmonics and hence Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), to reduce switching
losses and also to operate the inverter at lowers switching frequencies. The controller is implemented on DSP and they are
designed in such a way that they can be easily modified if any need arise in future.