Paper Title :High Efficiency Bridgeless PWM CUK Converter With Soft Switching Technique
Author :Anjan Kumar Sahoo, Sarika Kalra, Nitin Singh
Article Citation :Anjan Kumar Sahoo ,Sarika Kalra ,Nitin Singh ,
(2013 ) " High Efficiency Bridgeless PWM CUK Converter With Soft Switching Technique " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 14-18,
Abstract : High efficiency bridgeless single-phase ac-dc PWM cuk converter with soft-switching (ZVS) technique is
proposed. This paper emphasizes more on the converter efficiency. The conduction losses and input current harmonics of
the proposed converter is very less due to the absence of the input diode bridge and also during each switching cycle, only
two semiconductor switches are present in the current path unlike other conventional Cuk converters.Soft switching (ZVS)
technique is applied by using an auxiliary circuit to improve the efficiency of the proposed converter. Output voltage
regulating control technique is provided to regulate the output which also ultimately improves the efficiency. Power factor
is almost unity due to less input current harmonics. The circuit configuration, principle of operation, design procedure and
simulation results are presented
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-1,Issue-3
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2014-01-20 |