Paper Title :Distributed Trends In Mining And Clustering Group Movement Patterns For Tracking Moving Objects
Author :Kirti .V.Deshpande, Ali Akbar Bagwan, P.K.Deshmukh
Article Citation :Kirti .V.Deshpande ,Ali Akbar Bagwan ,P.K.Deshmukh ,
(2013 ) " Distributed Trends In Mining And Clustering Group Movement Patterns For Tracking Moving Objects " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 71-76,
Abstract : In biological research domain like “Study of animal social behavior” and “Wild life migration” object tracking
sensor networks are used. In this application concentrating on finding the group of object with similar movement pattern
using distributed mining techniques. But generally WSN concentrating on finding moving patterns of single object or all
objects. Tracking moving objects having two phases i.e. mining phase and cluster ensembling phase. In first phase of
algorithm we find movement patterns based on local data then we are identifying new term of similarity measure of to
computing the similarity of moving objects and find relationship between them. In second phase algorithm combine the local
grouping results to derive the group relationship from global view. We hope that the final output shows that the proposed
mining algorithm achieves good grouping quality and the mining technique helps reduce the energy consumption by
reducing the amount of data to be transmitted.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-1,Issue-3
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2014-01-20 |