Paper Title :Home Based Health Monitoring System Using Android Smartphone
Author :Sushama Pawar, P. W. Kulkarni
Article Citation :Sushama Pawar ,P. W. Kulkarni ,
(2014 ) " Home Based Health Monitoring System Using Android Smartphone " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 33-37,
Abstract : Abstract: Patient monitoring systems are gaining their importance as the fast-growing global elderly population increases
demands for caretaking. These systems use wireless technologies to transmit vital signs for medical evaluation. The aim of
the project is to provide a better health care to people from house in more economic and pertinent friendly manner. The need
of home based health monitoring system is increased now days because health care cost is increasing exponentially in last
few decades. In the proposed home based health monitoring system using android smart phone includes the aspects of
acquisition of medical parameters like Body temperature, Pulse rate and ECG. Processing of a collected data using ARM7
(LPC2148) processer and processed data is then displayed on doctors or relatives android mobile phones. Also the data can
be displayed on personal computer. The system is utilizing a low cost component to transmit data like ECG to physician for
monitoring; diagnosis and patients care at significantly low cost, regardless of patient’s location.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-2
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2014-03-03 |